Estate Planning
Why Hire an Estate Planning Attorney in California?
“Estate Planning” generally includes the following:
- Making effective use of trusts, wills, life insurance, family limited partnerships, and other estate planning tools so that, upon your death:
- Your assets will be distributed according to your wishes; and
- Your spouse, your minor children and any other persons dependent upon you for support will be adequately provided for; and
- Any business in which you have a substantial interest will either continue to operate or will be sold or liquidated in an orderly fashion, in accordance with your wishes; and
- Your heirs will pay as little estate and inheritance tax as possible.
Planning for the possibility that you may someday become disabled or incapacitated to the point that you are unable to make health care decisions or to manage your personal and financial affairs.
In many cases, estate planning also includes elements of financial planning and investment counseling. However, please note that Sever Law Office is a law firm, not an investment advisory firm. Daniel Sever is a lawyer, not a financial planner or investment advisor. Mr. Sever will work in conjunction with the financial planners, life insurance agents, and tax advisors of your choice to achieve an estate plan which is comprehensive and internally consistent. However, you can expect Mr. Sever to dispense legal advice only – not financial or investment advice.
We achieve our objective of “quality” by the following:
We carefully tailor each will, trust, power of attorney, and other estate planning document to your particular situation, needs, and desires. There is no “one size” that “fits all” when it comes to estate planning. We take the time to gather and analyze information about you and your loved ones so that your wishes can be clearly and accurately expressed.
We remain accessible and take the time to answer your questions. Most people do not encounter wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents every day. As a consequence, these documents can sometimes be confusing. We strive to eliminate the confusion by using plain, straight-forward language when preparing these documents and by addressing the particular questions or concerns you may have.
We remain alert to new developments in the law of wills, trusts, estates, guardianship, probate, and taxation. Mr. Sever has been practicing in this area for 30 years. He is confident about the work he does, but not complacent. The law is a dynamic and flexible instrument. Recent legislation, regulations, and court decisions are accounted for in all planning decisions
We achieve our objective of a “reasonable price” by the following:
- We are efficient in gathering the information we need to devise an estate plan and prepare the estate planning documents most appropriate for your situation.
- We are efficient in preparing, reviewing, revising, and obtaining your signature on those documents.
- Mr. Sever has been doing this work for so many years and has encountered so many different situations that he is not required to “reinvent the wheel” – even in cases that are somewhat unique.
Please give us a call at 760-851-4057 so that we can help you explore your options. There is no charge for an initial consultation.
Contact Info
Daniel C. Sever
Attorney at Law
Sever Law Office
555 S Sunrise Wy Suite 204C
Palm Springs, CA 92264
760-773-0732 fax
760-851-4057 phone